WDC Saas Starter Kit Walkthrough (Early Access)
Note: this is early access purchase! If you purchase this walkthrough, keep in mind that I'm in the process of planning and recording videos to put in this walkthrough. I will notify everyone who buys this walkthrough as I publish new content. The price will raise to $50 for new buyers after I complete my videos.
What is a Walkthrough?
This walkthrough is a collection of videos explaining the code, deployment, maintenance, running locally, setting up services, hooking up env variables, explaining layered architecture, etc. This is NOT a full stack tutorial of me building out the starter kit from scratch. If you're looking for a tutorial to watch someone build something using next.js, I'd recommend checkout the various free youtube videos on my channel or other channels who have great free content.
What is this Early Access Walkthrough?
As you may know, I've been publishing videos and doing live streams where I work on my starter kit. I originally was going to charge for access to the code, but I decided it would make more sense to just make it free so all my subscribers can learn from the code without having to pay a penny.
My next steps after announcing the starter kit will be to slowly record and add videos to this gumroad product. These videos will walk you through the starter kit, how to run locally, how to deploy, how to maintain, and how to ship new features. Getting this basic starter kit deployed requires setting up various oauth providers, including google and github, setting up stripe, setting up cloudflare, deploying to railway, etc. I believe these videos will be very useful for anyone new to launching their first saas product.
What's in the Starter Kit?
I built the starter kit as a real life example of what a "small" saas application might look like which includes authentication, image uploads, notifications, comments, posts, a rich text editor, stripe integration, and more. There are lots of examples inside the code base you can use, built upon, or just delete if you don't want them. The code follows a layered architecture which I feel is important to have implemented from the start as you code base grows over time. If you think putting SQL calls directly inside your RSC, this starter kit is probably not for you.
The starter kit is MIT license and free to use for everyone (but don't hold me responsible if you encounter a bug).
The Features
My starter kit comes with a stack which I find more useful for building out a full stack saas application. Some of this stack includes:
- 🚦 Next.js 15
- 📦 DrizzleORM
- 🌑 ShadCN
- 🌈 Tailwind CSS
- 📝 Typescript
- 🔒 Authentication (Lucia Auth)
- 🌐 Google & Github Login
- 🔗 Magic Link Login
- 👥 Role Based Authorization
- 🗄️ File Storage (R2)
- 🛡️ DDoS Protection (Cloudflare)
- 🌐 Hosting Walkthrough
- 🌟 Postgres
- 💳 Stripe Subscriptions
- 📚 Documentation
- 📰 Newsletter
- ⏳ Coming Soon Mode
- 🚧 Maintenance Mode
- 📧 Emailing (Resend)
- 📊 Analytics (Posthog)
- 🚀 And More!
Limitations of the Starter Kit
I built this starter kit with the idea of hosting on a VPS. If you want to deploy this starter kit to Vercel or to AWS using SST it should be possible, but I am not currently supporting that path to deployment. I personally think deploying to a single VPS is a great first choice and will mitigate any potential issues related to runaway serverless bills or DDoS attacks. Learning to deploy to a managed vps / container host is also great for learning. Plus it'll probably save you money in the long term.
Need Help? Join my Discord
I have a dedicated channel on my discord for anyone looking for support on getting this starter kit running. I'm hoping to have a community of people using the starter kit which can help answer questions. I personally will not be able to support everyone who purchases this walkthrough, but I will try to help people out if they get stuck when I get free time.
A complete walkthrough on how to develop on, deploy, and maintain this starter kit code and start making real money from users.